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Osamu Kawakami
1979.11.14 –

© Elsa Seignol



フルートとクラリネットのための《TILT》で第20回現音新人賞を受賞(2003)。アンサンブル「本歌取りプロジェクト」による《ガトリングヨハン》の演奏が、ラ・フォル・ジュルネ・オ・ジャポン「ハルモニア杯」審査員特別賞を受賞(2009)。作品はこれまでに、武生国際音楽祭(2009/2012)、仏・ロワイヨモン作曲セミナー(2010)、HIROSHIMA HAPPY NEW EAR X(2011)、韓・大邱国際現代音楽祭(2014)等で紹介されているほか、宮田まゆみ、鈴木俊哉、西川竜太、ヴォクスマーナ、中川賢一、中川俊郎、松平敬、大井浩明、甲斐史子、大須賀かおり、亀井庸州、多井智紀、藤元高輝、Nicolas Horvathなど、多くの同時代の演奏家によって室内楽作品、独奏作品、合唱作品を中心に演奏されている。近作に、バリトン、ヴァイオリン、打楽器、ピアノのための《組曲「鼻行類について」》(2014)や、左手のピアノのための《アイリス》(2014)など。


現在「Ensemble Contemporary α」、「本歌取りプロジェクト」、「Tokyo Ensemnable Factory」各メンバー。自身でチェロやピアノを用いた即興演奏を行い、現代音楽のみならず、様々な音楽やダンス等の他芸術とのコラボレーションも多い。


Osamu Kawakami - Biography

Osamu KAWAKAMI (b.1979, Tokyo) received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in composition from Tokyo College of Music. He studied composition under Joji Yuasa, Shin-ichiro Ikebe, Toshio Hosokawa, Noriko Hisada, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto.

His TILT for flute and clarinet won the JSCM Gen-on Shinjin-sho (new composer’s award) in 2003. The performance of his Gatling Johann by the ensemble, Honkadori Project won an award at Harmonia Cup in La Folle Journée au Japon (2009). His works have been performed at Takefu International Music Festival (2009/2012), Royaumont Composition Seminar in France (2010), HIROSHIMA HAPPY NEW EAR X (2011), and Daegu International Contemporary Music Festival (2014). On top of that, many of his contemporaries such as Mayumi Miyata, Toshiya Suzuki, Ryuta Nishikawa, Vox humana, Ken’ichi Nakagawa, Toshio Nakagawa, Takashi Matsudaira, Hiroaki Ooi, Fumiko Kai, Kaori Osuga, Yoshu Kamei, Tomoki Tai, Koki Fujimoto, and Nicolas Horvath, have performed his chamber, solo, and choir works. His recent works include Suite “About Rhinogradentia” for baritone, violin, percussion, and piano (2014), and IRIS for left hand piano (2014).

He is deeply interested in living creatures overall, and many of his works have been titled after them. His works can be described by the fresh diatonic melodic resonance heard in works such as the Suite “Carapace” for violin, cello, and piano, and the aggressive sound heard in Ganymede, and Grizzly. Many of his works also exhibit rhythms and grooves not limited to that of classical and contemporary music.

He is currently a member of Ensemble Contemporary α, Honkadori Project, and Tokyo Ensemnable Factory. He also improvises on cello and piano, and often collaborates with various music, dance, and other form of arts.

(as of 16 March 2015)