Akiko Yamane
1982.10.1 –

photographed by Coco
室内楽作品《トランセンド》で第22回日本現代音楽協会作曲新人賞富樫賞受賞(2005)。オーケストラのための《水玉コレクション No.01》で第75回日本音楽コンクール第1位および明治安田賞、増沢賞を受賞し(2006)、第17回芥川作曲賞ファイナリストとなる(2007)。室内オーケストラのための《水玉コレクション No.04》で第20回芥川作曲賞受賞(2010)。2010年「Music Tomorrow」でNHK交響楽団委嘱作品《水玉コレクション No.06》初演、2012年「サントリーサマーフェスティバル」で、サントリー芸術財団委嘱による、琵琶とオーケストラのための《ハラキリ乙女》初演。第9回浜松国際ピアノコンクール委嘱作品《イルミネイテッドベイビー》が第2次予選課題曲となる(2015)。
Akiko Yamane - Biography
Akiko YAMANE (b.1982, Osaka) received her master’s degree from Kyoto City University of Arts. She studied composition under Hinoharu Matsumoto from 2001 to 2007 at the Kyoto City University of Arts, and Younghi Pagh-Paan from 2005 to 2006 at Hochschule für Kuenste Bremen as an exchange student. She has also studied under Hiroshi Sawada, Shuichi Maeda, Noriko Nakamura, and Motoharu Kawashima. She, in her own words, tries “to create music using the concept of "visible sound" as a figurative art. The phenomenon of sound is in fact invisible, but as it is experienced as installation art, I strive to enable the listener to trace the outlines of sound movement and feel shapes, colors, textures and the space beside them in their own inner perception.”
Her award history includes, Transcend - Togashi prize of the 22nd JSCM award (2005), Dots Collection No.01 for orchestra - 1st prize and Masuzawa prize of the 75th Music Competition of Japan (2006), Dots Collection No.04 for chamber orchstra - 20th Akutagawa Award for Music Composition (2010). Her major works include, Dots Collection No.06 commissioned by NHK Symphony Orchestra premiered in “Music Tomorrow” (2010), Harakiri Maiden for Biwa and orchestra commissioned by Suntory Foundation for Arts premiered during their “Summer Festival 2012,” and Illuminated Baby for piano commissioned by The 9th Hamamatsu International Piano Competition selected as the required repertoires of the second stage (2015).
Her works have been performed and featured by Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Izumi Sinfonietta Osaka, Art Respirant, Ensemble Muromachi, Nishihara Kakushin (biwa), teionduo, Kazuaki Kikumoto (trumpet), Contemporary Duo, Junichi Matsumoto (keyboards), Morgaua Quartet, Hougaku Quartet, Royaumont Voix Nouvelles in France, Music from Japan in NY. She also has many works in collaboration with other arts such as visual arts: She has performed during “AIDA MAKOTO: MONUMENTO FOR NOTHING” in 2013.
She has worked at the Kyoto City Univeristy of Arts as a lecturer, and had hosted a contemporary music concert series, eX. (ex dot) from 2007 to 2013 along with Motoharu Kawashima. She is now based in Tokyo. She is a member of JFC (Japan Federation of Composers) and AFJMC (Association franco-japonais de la Music Contemporaine).
(as of 5 November 2015)